Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Baby Bond Grrl Duties

I've been on a blog laps. I haven't had much to blog about lately and I've been enjoying reading others' blogs. But I'm not fulfilling by Bond Grrl duties and I have to get back on track. I've been reading Solitaire's postings so that I can at least know (if not act on) my Bond Grrl duties. I have to admit that my closet is not clean & nothing else in the house for that matter. I haven't written down any goals either. & I realized that I don't have any goals. I mean I want to get out of debt and live comfortable financially but I don't have any goals to get there. I am practicing being "Invincible".

Catching up. ...I'm still on this 2 weeks to a smaller waist diet I've been on it since the first of May. I didn't measure my waist at the beginning so I don't know if it actually works. I do enjoy the cereal (fruit & yogurt) so I've just decided to eat it for breakfast and lunch. I figure it's better than B-King or Mickey-D's for lunch everyday. My babydoll is doing alright. She completed 3rd grade and has been promoted to 4th. She was so happy when she read that on her report card. I'm still planning on taking her to Atlanta for her birthday in July. One of my best friends live there and we haven't been to see her since 2002. My James is doing ok too. He's really humbled himself since his last incident with the law.

I have to get myself together if I wanna continue to be a success of the teachings of the wise Ms. Bond Grrl. wink wink



At 11:31 AM, Blogger Life, it happens said...

Girl you so crazy. Its good seeing you blogging again. And about the waist thang, it works I am slowly coming down (but with some exercise) :) Oh, bout those finances (thats my passion) get this book called "Start Late, Finish Rich" By: David Bach He gives simple to understand and excellent advise. Check it out at the library (saves money). Keep it real baby sista, and we Atlantians welcome you in July (HotLanta that is).

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Solitaire said...

Hey you! Glad you are back! That is SO CUTE re your babygrrl, I love it! That's the best age, in the 3rd grade-5th grade area. So exciting!

You gotta get the closet and housecleaning thing goin'. It's critical, and not so hard once you get on a roll. The best way to do it (for me) is to get some very inspiring/rockin' tunes going and then sort of "dance" your way through it. Start somewhere "easy" (like say the dining room -- because you want to clean the baseboards, stuff like that -- heck, get your little one to help, explain to her that you are both cleaning up the house to "celebrate" her "new life as a 4th grader" and how everything is going to be totally ordered, spic and span). Then do a hard one (both of you maybe work on your closets...nothing that's torn, worn, stained, etc. -- and then "organize" them all in there facing the same direction, in their base colors, both you and your grrl). Then something sort of "fun and easier" -- maybe arranging the pots and pans, and see what you do not use -- these can go to the local shelter, they will LOVE IT -- same as stuff in your cabinets that you bought but realized you don't use, or suddenly have two of (for some reason, I had THREE jars of molasses how did THAT happen -- so they went to the homeless eating all, they love getting it).

That is a BIG GOAL -- and I would say set it to be all done, everything touched, and given away (with your grrl helping you and you making it fun for her -- how GREAT is it that you will be instilling in her that material possessions are not the way to go, that "livin' light" is the answer?) -- before July 4th. That's the goal.

Get all your sheets out, fold them and then put the bottom sheet, top sheet, and one of the pillowcases "inside" the other pillowcase, then tuck the top down into itself, so that it's a "package" and ready for you to just take it out when the bed needs made (and it stays SO MUCH EASIER and cleaner in the closet!)

That kinda stuff, too, is teaching your babygrrl GOOD HABITS. Make it fun -- be fun. Put on the music! She picks a song, you pick a song.

As for the "Start Late, Finish Rich" book....hmmmm...I happen to agree with the first person who wrote about it on Put "Start Late Finish Rich" into, and the first comment (where they basically say that he wants you to figure out your "Latte Factor" and then he tries to send you to his website to buy more stuff) I think is pretty much right on. The book that changed my life b/c it's simple to read and actually coincidentially is also recommended by that first poster on is "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." Though the book is "simple," it really talks about the fundamentals -- and I didn't really "get" them until I read it.

The books that I personally like are from the other 2 experts from Oprah's Debt Diet. (Bach is the guy who is on the Debt Diet.) The best of them is Glinda Bridgforth's "Girl, Get Your Money Straight!" (Then, once you're out of debt, "Girl, Make Your Money Grow!") You can buy the paperback (used, which is what I do) for $6 on (it's an updated version of the hardback so the paperback is better).

AND, we DO HAVE A GOAL baby grrl! We want to be on OPRAH! I am trying to get my book done before September, and get some books printed and on before the new James Bond comes out in November. I am going to send her a note, saying that she should have us on the show if she's going to have a PR "tour" that includes the Bond folks. SO, you have UNTIL SEPTEMBER to be straight on it all, because I want you there with me, if I can get on!

So how's about THAT for a goal???

xxxxx Solitaire (missed ya :-) )

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Solitaire said...

OH, I forgot! I was just in an article in a Chicago magazine -- I forget the name but they are sending it to me. I'll send you a copy if you like. :-)

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Mica said...

@Jinx Thanks sista grrl. I'll look for that book this week. So the diet is working for you??? That's Great. I know you will need that swim suit in HotLanta! On the low it's as much as my vacation as it is Babydoll (my daughter said she wants that as her new nickname. She a trip I know:-)I already got a baby sitter lined up for the NITE TIME! lol

@Soli ( like how I gave you a new nickname?! I'm a trip.) I know I know (with my bottom lip pokin' out) I have no excuse for my slackin'! I did say to myself that I am going to get Babydoll more involved with the house duties the same way you put it "as a new life as a 4th grader". The 4th of July will definitely be our Big Goal! Thanks! I did do the sheets though! I put a fabric softener sheet in the pillow case to keep the freshness until I use that set again. My James wonders why my sheet still "smells" so good. (Smile) I heard of that book Rich Dad/Poor Dad, I'll check out that book too. Grrl I need all the help I can get.

OK! I'll be ready by September! & I'll be one of the first to get my copy of your bestseller book! Maybe I'll be so lucky to get it autographed. <:)
Solitarie U know I want that article: Do not play!!

At 3:54 PM, Blogger Solitaire said...

Hey grrl, send me (to my email, I know you have it) an address and I will mail you a copy of the article. :-)

I am hoping to get it up on the website, but I have to get it scanned first, and that's going to take a while.


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